Monday, January 7, 2008

So far, so good

Well, its a week into the challenge and I think its time to do an update. I think things are going well so far. I faced my first big challenge yesterday as I went into the city to buy a pair of bathers for my daughter.
Ah the post-Christmas sales! Each summer I brave the crowds and spend heaps of money I don't have on stuff that's on sale that I don't need. But not this year! I strode past the signs saying '70% off today only' and my credit card stayed in my wallet. Afterall, its not really a bargain if you are buying something that you don't need - its just a waste of money.
Anyway, in accordance with the Rules I steered clear of the department stores and instead went to the cancer council to get the bathers. In this way, my money supports a charity instead of a big business. The bathers were pretty snazzy and my daughter likes them! Yay!
Another exciting development is the establishment of the consumption challenge blogring. I'm really looking forward to checking out how others are going with their journeys - love it, love it!!!!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

YAY on the first bit challenge! It sounds like you are going to do wonderfullly!

I'll be needing you for support when I first go near the shopping centre - I've been avoiding it for now as I'm not sure how i'll go!
