Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Testing, testing...1,2,3

Wow! I've never blogged before. I hope this works. Hey its easy! A bit like emailing. Well, hopefully this is the first blog of many. I wonder how I get this onto my blog page? Guess I click on that 'publish post' button down there. Here goes.....


Eilleen said...

Woohoo! I can see it!

canberramomma said...

Yo, babe. It works.

Yes, we should all publish how we are going to consume less.

** I pledge to buy only what is absolutely necessary and what I cannot reasonably purchase second-hand.

** I pledge to research my purchases to my full capacity prior to purchase to ensure that items are made in an ethical and environmental way.

** I pledge to purchase locally where possible.

** I pledge to plant 12 trees this year.

Tanja said...

Way to go! Can't wait to see you blogging about your consumption challenge.
- Possum.